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♪ ¦ پسران آبی ¦ ♬

♪ ¦ Text The Boys in Blue ¦ ♬

Manchester City
We are the lads who are playing to win
The Boys in Blue will never give in
Football is the game that we all live for
Saturday is the day we play the game
Everybody have to pull together
And together we will stand
Even if we’re playing down at Maine Road
Or if we play a million miles away
There will always be a loyal fan behind us
To cheer us on our way
Manchester City
We are the lads who are playing to win
The Boys in Blue will never give in
Blue and white we play together
We will carry on forever more
Maybe in another generation
When other…


دانلود آهنگ شاد باشگاه منچسترسیتی

شعار رسمی باشگاه منچسترسیتی

♪ ¦ ما شهرمان را دوست داریم ¦ ♬

♪ ¦ Text We Love You City We ¦ ♬

We love you City, we do
We love you City, we do,
We love you City, we do
Oh City we love you!


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[کل: 40 میانگین: 4.3]

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